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Chinese Medicine Study Guide - Diagnostics

20.000 Ft
ISBN: 978-711-7092-74-6
Chinese Medicine Study Guide - Diagnostics Jiaxu Chen Drawing on 20 years of teaching, conducting research, and practicing Chinese medicine Jia-xu (Chinese medicine diagnostics, Beijing U. of Chinese Medicine) presents a text for Chinese medicine (CM) teachers, students, clinical practitioners, and others interested in knowing more about the topic. The CM diagnostic principles are listed in tables to associate them with concrete signs and symptoms as well as differentiation syndromes. Coverage includes an introduction to CM diagnosis; various aspects of the examination-inspection, tongue, listening and smelling, inquiry, and pulse; palpation; syndrome differentiation according to the eight principles; differentiation of syndromes according to pathogenic factors; syndrome differentiation according to qi, blood, and body fluids; syndrome differentiation according to the Zang-fu organs; and additional syndromes differentiation. Translated into English by Yue Li-Feng, Ding Jie, and Mohammad Hashemipour, all of whom are CM specialists.